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Study and modeling of head losses in GH2 pipelines

Determining pressure losses (total pressure losses) in pipelines. Evolution with operating time (in terms of years/decades of use) due to degradation of the pipe's internal surface condition caused by H2 attack (hydrogen embrittlement) under pressure and erosion.
- Couple numerical methods for fluid calculation with structural code for pipe walls (effects of friction, erosion, radial pressure gradient, etc.) with GH2.
- Wall erosion issues - Definition of Finnie-type erosion model
- Validate models and numerical results obtained with test results: Scottish Gas Network project H100 Fife 2020, UK National Gas project HyNTS Futuregrid, tests with BeBlue).
PhD student:
Akshay Bambore
Prof. Patrick Hendrick | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Prof. Jean-Philippe Ponthot | Université de Liège |
Research Center
Thibaut Van Hoof | Cenaero |
T07-1 | 2D and 3D pipe flow and pressure drop calculations |
T07-2 | Code integration including fluid-structure coupling |
T07-3 | Development of a wall erosion model |
T07-4 | Analysis of external experimental data, development of test bench and validation of models based on experimental measurements |
T07-5 | Complete calculations with experimental validation |
T07-6 | Writing the doctoral thesis |

Akshay Bambore presents his project during the Kick-off - September 13, 2024.
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