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Study of H2 - ammonia combustion kinetics: numerical modeling coupling physical models and machine learning

Development of reduced-order models coupling chemical reactor networks and machine learning, to predict the behavior of hydrogen/ammonia mixtures with a focus on minimizing pollutant emissions.
- New methodology for the development of optimized reduced-order kinetic mechanisms for computational fluid dynamics applications
- Machine-learning-assisted development of physics-preserving reduced-order models
PhD student:
Asija Tatiana Inciardi
Alessandro Parente | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Dr. Véronique Dias | Université Catholique de Louvain |
Research Center
Tariq Benmara | Cenaero |
Cécile Goffaux | Cenaero |
Christophe Le Pen | Centre de Recherches Métallurgiques |
Dr. Caroline Sainvitu | Cenaero |
Xavier Vanden Eynde | Centre de Recherches Métallurgiques |
T11-1 | Reduction and optimization of kinetic mechanisms |
T11-2 | CFD modeling of hydrogen-ammonia combustion in laboratory furnaces and experimental validation. |
T11-3 | Reduced-order modeling based on laboratory-scale furnace data |
T11-4 | Characterization of the material impact of H2 NH3 flames |

Asija Tatiana Inciardi presents her project during the Kick-off - September 13, 2024.
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